Weep, Explode, or Quote Chaucer

 Written by MK Waller [ This post originally began with a rant. I have since removed it. I was frustrated to the max when I posted–because after I finished the post, more slings and arrows of outrageous fortune came flying at me. However, I’ve calmed down to a simmer and so no longer need to share the rant. I will note that the post is one long block of text because my paragraphs got lost. Twice. But I’ve calmed down. [Oh! Look! The paragraphs are back!]   Dear Readers,   I accidentally posted a test post.   I wrote a test post because WordPress is introducing a new method of posting–they say it’s “modern”–and I was trying to figure out how to perform a certain function for a friend who asked me because she couldn’t figure it out.  
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I didn’t choose to use the “modern” way. I used  it because when I tried to use the Old Fashioned, Sensible way, the “modern” way popped up. I didn’t ask to use it, I didn’t ask to test it, I just GOT it.   I thought I had figured out how to do what I wanted to do, but obviously I hadn’t, because I clicked something I thought I understood, and there it was–posted for all to see.   One really neat aspect of this “modern” way of posting–in case you’re not sure, the continued use of quotation marks stands for I am being sarcastic because if I don’t, I will weep, explode, and/or type words that would cause WordPress to delete my blog because I have it registered as friendly to families*.   As I was saying before I digressed, one really neat feature is that most commands are hidden behind one little plus sign way up in the left corner. No more comprehensive toolbar (or it might be a task bar) at the top like the original WP Admin has, no more abbreviated toolbar at the top (like the second generation “improved posting experience” has), just a *#&!(^ plus sign in an out-of-the-way place where it won’t attract attention, especially the attention of bloggers who want to know where all the stuff on the old toolbar has disappeared to.
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Pilcrow, inexpertly but sincerely rendered
  Another neat feature–when you’ve pre-scheduled a post and then want to go back in and edit the pre-scheduled post, it takes three clicks to get to the draft format so you can make changes. It used to take no clicks at all.   If I’m wrong about the three clicks, I will admit my error. When I tried it, it took three clicks.   I pre-scheduled the test post so I could experiment with the commands–those I could find–and then, I thought, unscheduled it. But oh, silly me, I guess I didn’t unschedule it, because when I went back in to confirm that I knew how it worked–whoosh–there went the post, out into cyperspace, where it will live forever. I guess I didn’t know how it worked.   A third invaluable feature–under the little plus, there’s a pilcrow–the symbol that means start a new paragraph. About that, I will say no more.   Back when WP introduced the “improved posting experience,” there was a place users could tell WP what they thought. We were invited to tell them. A whole bunch of us did. Some people thought it was peachy keen. Others thought it was wretched and said so.   I remember saying I thought they were rolling out a new version just because they could. I’d never said that to anyone, but having already said so many things they didn’t take seriously, I figured I might as well insult them as not. They responded that I surely knew my accusation wasn’t true.  
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I didn’t bother to be ashamed of my outburst because other people burst worse than I did.   To all of us rabblerousers, WP said we were stodgy and set in our ways and didn’t want to learn something new. As far as I’m concerned, WP should have apologized for that. Some of us threatened to move our blogs to Blogger or another service. After a while, WP stopped responding to our remarks. The roused rabble continued remarking. One in particular noted several times that WP had stopped responding.   There may be a place for users to tell WP what they think of the “modern” way of posting, but so far I haven’t found it.** I suspect they learned their lesson the first time.   I don’t know if our input was responsible, but WP kept the original posting “experience” as an alternative to the “improved” one. The original page has more words and therefore is more flexible than the newer experiences. It also has more links to other functions, so fewer clicks are needed to navigate the site.   Some of the rabble suggested WP created the “improved” (second) version to make it easier for new users. To that I say–LET THEM READ THE ******* SCREEN. Like READ the WORDS.
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Riding to Canterbury
  Oh oh oh! Look look look! When I previewed this post, it appeared as one long paragraph. Just one more thing. So I opened a second screen and copied and pasted the post into it. And what should appear but the message,
It’s the classic WordPress editor and it’s a block! Drop the editor right in.
I see no advantage to the blocks.
(And I would like to drop the editor right in.)
In addition, the toolbar appeared at the top. When you click the little plus, one of the choices is Classic. Maybe this means WP Admin will remain. As in, They learned their lesson.
I guess the Classic was there the first time I clicked the plus. I guess I should have read all the box. If I hadn’t been jangled by the little plus, I might have.
Just so you’ll know: I’ve used the “improved experience.” It’s okay, if you want just the basics. If you want to do anything more, or to find out something you don’t know, you’ll have to take a circuitous route.
I also appreciate that WordPress offers this service free of charge. I pay for extra features, and that’s fine with me. However, I would like basic features to work.
Let me be clear: WordPress malfunctions, large or small, are not important.   As many scientists observe, global warming is important.
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Reading a scroll
  As Spencer Tracy observed, plumbing is important.   But right now, WordPress’ messing with my posting “experience” has brought me to the verge of apoplexy.   The “modern” experience, by the way, is called Gutenberg, a most inappropriate name.   Because believe me, folks, if Johann Gutenberg has invented this, we would still be using scrolls.  


*I don’t know a lot of those words, but I will use the ones I know, and if I need more,  I’ll find more on the Internet. The Internet is not family friendly. I learned most of the words I know by studying Chaucer. **But I’m going to keep looking.


Another test: this is a test ddd kkk ggg

14 thoughts on “Weep, Explode, or Quote Chaucer

    1. I recovered. It was just a major malfunction on their part. These things happen. It’s not difficult, especially when it works, and when I use the “Classic” version that I’m accustomed to (except when I malfunctions). It was better last night, jumped to the new version only once. I guess I should report it.


  1. I’m fine. Embarrassed about putting this on the wrong blog, but that’s spilt milk. I’m sure last night’s episode was a one-time thing. I hope. Posting isn’t difficult as long as the site minds its manners.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kathy, just so you know, I found “Move to Trash.” It’s at the bottom of the screen in the WordPress app, which seems to mimick the new WW&W platform. Since I discovered yesterday that this platform can also be used with my own blog, I’ll do some more playing around with it and see what I can figure out. I may just have to use both, copying and pasting my posts from Word into the new one, since it retains formatting, then going to the old WP admin site and adding media, categories, and tags, then previewing and scheduling the post.

    By the way, look on the bright side. At least you didn’t accidentally hit a button that set off an alarm, warning of incoming nuclear missiles.


    1. I’ve used the trash since then. As I told Renee, it was just a malfunction. It worked okay last night. I still don’t understand why the paragraphs turned out all right on WWW but were lost on my personal blog, even though I correct it over and over and over. But I guess WP is allowed some malfunctions. Just not when they’re mine!


      1. Kathy, you might try composing your posts in Microsoft Word and then pasting them into the new platform. This works pretty well on my own blog, and all formatting is retained. If I set my paragraph spacing in Word to auto and insert only one space between paragraphs, they appear as they should. I hope this helps.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. About composing in Word–I got that to work once, and after transmission, there were some limitations I couldn’t work around. If I have more problems, I’m going to report them. Tech support is always helpful with smaller glitches. This is the second wonderful, marvelous, peachy keen major change they’ve made, and I dread seeing what they come up with when they get around to number three.


  3. Totally confused. But, I am the kind of person who stunbles into new things, finds out what I have to know to operste, and then do it. If I learn something new after tgat it’s from someone like you, but I can only take away one thing at a tine. Lol. Hope it has worked out for you. Cher’ley.


    1. It worked on WWW but the paragraphs still didn’t show up on my personal blog. I don’t mind learning new things–goodness knows I was on a steep learning curve when computers and then the Internet invaded my library, and I never stopped climbing–but this was a malfunction. Nothing I did worked. It just kept jumping to where it wasn’t supposed to be. And I swear I went back and made this post private after posting accidentally. But I suppose everyone who’s subscribed got it. And it never went private anyway. Oh well. Except for one little glitch, it worked fine last night. I need to report it, in a calmer tone than I used in this post.


  4. I’m with you on the new and improved drives me crazy. If you have something that works leave it along. They have improved everything now days. I had a customer that contacted a cosmetic company to complain that she couldn’t find a particular color she had used for years. They told her she needed to change with the times and update her look. She told them she was changing cosmetic companies after over 30 years.

    Companies are all striving to attract the younger generation what they don’t realize is there are a lot of us old folks around and if they loose us they loose a big chunk of their market.


    1. Back in the Ice Age, products advertised as new and improved had new pictures on their boxes but worked about the same. I liked that. WP is proud of its “blocks.” Click on the (hidden) symbol and you can make a new paragraph. I can press the Enter key and make a new paragraph. I ran into Gutenberg last night, accidentally, tried to insert a picture, and finally gave up and located the old way, which requires a couple of clicks and no block. I don’t know why the younger generation would want Gutenberg any more than I do.

      Re lipstick: in 1988, a clerk took me through every color Clinique made, I think, until we found the ONE that was right. A couple of years later, they stopped making it; I pulled the tube from my purse and the clerk located the same color with a new name; a couple of years later, etc. I chose it in 1988 because it went with my complexion, which hasn’t changed since I was born. It doesn’t update.


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