
Kathy - greenKate Wyland


Serendipity: An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. Good fortune; luck:

When I was casting about for a topic for this blog, I happened to think about a get together I attended the other night, where a group of us started talking about being spontaneous. Some of the people didn’t consider themselves to be at all spontaneous and others, like me, were used to taking spur of the moment actions. However, each of us had at least one happy result from acting spontaneously.

What struck me was that spontaneity was closely connected to luck or serendipity. Good results happen when the stars line up and good fortune is on your side.

I don’t know about you, but serendipity has played a big role in my lifsmall__7745306506e. So many things have come about as a result of simple luck. I met my husband through a serendipitous set of circumstances. One Friday night when I was in college, my soon-to-be-ex boyfriend had car trouble and cancelled our date. As a result I was sitting with nothing to do when a sorority sister asked anyone would like to go to a concert with her, her boyfriend and his roommate, whose date had gotten ill. Said roommate was the one with the car, hence the need to find him someone to go with. I really liked the group they planned to see, so I said I’d do it.

To my delight, I had a great time and really liked the roommate. I was quite disappointed when he didn’t call to ask me out again. (This was in the pre-liberated days when girls didn’t routinely call guys.) It turned out that he had been told I had a boyfriend and wasn’t available. So serendipity stepped in again. One afternoon, he came to my sorority house to return a book to another girl who was in one of his classes.

As luck would have it, I answered the doorbell, and after he returned the book, we stood and talked and talked. I asked him for a ride home at Thanksgiving (another serendipitous break—he lived in the town next to mine) and he asked me to the movies. A year later we were married. Two cancelled dates and one unexpected meeting changed our lives forever.

This type of thing has happened constantly throughout our lives. Our move to the town we live in was a result of unexpected luck. At Christmas time, we’d always gone to the nearby mountains to cut down a tree, but the farms there had all switched to raising Douglas Firs, which I’m allergic to. So we decided to try a different area. We accidentally missed the turn to the Christmas tree farm, and when we turned around there was a For Sale sign that we decided to investigate.

small_2697018667As it happened, the owner of the property was out in front and he invited us in. My husband fell in love with the house and I could see how to create a horse setup—with a lot of work. My daughter and I were boarding our horses at a stable that was a half-hour drive each way and the thought of having our horses at home was very appealing. Five months later we moved in. (After a lot of due diligence and selling our current house.)

Serendipity has affected my writing too. My book Wyoming Escape is a result of a stay at a Wyoming dude ranch, which I won at Brenda Novak’s auction for diabetes research. One of the incidents in that book also came about serendipitously. Walking along the beach one day while I was writing it, I encountered a man who was doing martial arts moves against the wall as he walked along. That morphed into one of my characters being a Tae Kwon Do black belt and “fighting” with a tree, something I would never have thought of otherwise.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

How has serendipity influenced your life? Your writing? Do you take advantage of happy chances or are you the more cautious type and weigh everything carefully? Are there lucky breaks you wished you had taken advantage of or ones you’re glad you passed by?



Forewarning Cover

Healing is her life. Will it be her death?


Wyoming Cover - 4x6 - #2.


Wyoming Escape
Two dead bodies. One dirty cop.
Is she next?



Cover - Images - 2.

 Images – A Love Story
She’s learned to hide from life.
Should she hide from him?



Connect with Kate Wyland:
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Published by Wranglers

This is a group blog under the name Wranglers

13 thoughts on “Serendipity

  1. Great post. I own the house my husband and I have lived in for over 16 years now because my realtor made a mistake with the address of the house she was supposed to show me. We went to the wrong place and found the perfect house. 🙂


  2. I totally believe in serendipity. I’ve been lucky to have many opportunities to seize the moment. I was selling drapes and window treatments for JC Penny many years ago and got to talking with the owner. I told her I was a songwriter. She said she was a good friend of the woman who wrote many of Elvis’s songs and she’d ask if I could submit a song for critique. She agreed and did me a very big favor by giving me good pointers and tips to become a better songwriter. Unfortunately, she died before I got my first one published, but I’ll never forget her!


  3. I would say my life is a series of ‘lucky’ chances. Of course I usually will say yes, even if I don’t know how to do something, and then scramble like crazy to figure it out. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will tell anyone who asks, I have been blessed.


  4. I am one who believes God opens doors when we are willing to be led by His spirit to pursue greater gifts in life — those blessings can come about when we least expect them, but we need to be aware and willing to follow His leading. Being in Denver as I am this weekend, pursuing new avenues for book sales and connections with pet-related organizations has come about because I’ve been looking for new pathways for selling my books and helping animal rescue groups. I’ve made some wonderful connections today and hopefully again tomorrow when I’m at a benefit event for one organization. I am thankful for the many blessings in my life and in my writing career!


  5. I call mine blessings too, but I believe in Serendipity happenings. Meeting my husband. Then one day we were looking at riverfront property, and the one we looked at wouldn’t work, because our boat was too big, so my husband took me down to where the old dam had been blown. I said wouldn’t be wonderful to live in this area, and now we do. Cher’ley


  6. I think things can happen to you when the time is right for you- call it fate or whatever. How that happens is a great mystery but I believe that there are some steps you can take, or you can work towards making the possibility be more possible – if you can undertstand what I’m trying to say.


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