Team Work

IMGP6507By S. J. Brown

 Like many writers I am a bit of a loner.  I can easily spend large blocks of time alone and be quite content.  I also find that being part of a team can be very rewarding.

SJBrown 1 Geese

I was recently part of a team of a few dozen people that gathered together on a gloomy Saturday morning.   Together we planted 200 trees.  I’m not talking little sprouts, but three or four foot tall trees.  I have had the privilege of working with this team for over a year now. It is a real thrill when I drive past one of the locations we have planted and see the trees thriving.

SJBrown 2 Trees

When I am out in the field photographing wildlife I am also part of a team.  My husband Jay is the other team member.  He is an excellent spotter.  He can tell what kind of bird is flying over head by the shape of its wings, or the size of its tail.   He does all the driving and watches my back, so I don’t get surprised by an angry bear or any critter.

SJBrown 3 Jay

I am also part of a team of volunteers that does littler clean up in the area.  It always amazes me how rude people can be.  They toss all kinds of things out their car windows without ever giving it a second thought.

SJBrown 4 Sparrow

Recently I became part of yet another team, Team Sisters.  “Team Sisters” is the name we gave the launch team for my next book, “Sisters”.  This team is made up of writers, interested readers, friends, and a few family members.  Since this book is a memoir written by two sisters most of the team is female.  There are a few brave men that have volunteered to be part of the team.  Since my last blog the team  members have assembled and we are ready to get down to work.

SJBRown 5 Sisters

As part of a team I can accomplish so much more than I can on my own.  Alone I would not be able to plant hundreds of trees, pick up bags full of trash or photograph nearly as many critters.  Team Sisters will be helping to add a little insight into the finishing touches for the book my sister and I collaborated on.

SJBrown 6 Butterflies

I have been part of teams that didn’t work out very well.  Sometime we need to try out a few teams before we find a good fit.  Have you joined a team and how did that work out for you?

Connect with S. J. Brown on Facebook and be one of the first to see what she has been up and view her Sunday Shares.


S. J. Browns coloring books feature sketches based on her photographs.

CBCover Acover

Cover 3-26-23Back Cover 4-24-2013Close up and Close Encounters is available on Amazon  at

Or get your autographed copy at S. J. Brown website

S. J. Brown’s children’s pictures books are only available through S. J. Brown.

You can order your copies from her website S.J. Brown

Cover All the Birds I See Cover


Published by Wranglers

This is a group blog under the name Wranglers

16 thoughts on “Team Work

  1. Sue, a very delightful post! I admire how you dig in and pitch in to help nature! I am sure you are a valued member of each team on which you serve, and I suspect your book and “Team Sisters” will be successful! I’m seeing “my team” tonight — my writer’s group, and I look forward to their input on what I will share with them tonight. Go, team! Go, Sue! 🙂


  2. Even loners end up needed somebody, sometime. I love that you are part of something that means so much to you and have people who share that same passion. It does make life worth living and more enjoyable. Doris


  3. Sounds like a great way to balance being a loner with life. I agree about the thoughtlessness of people and their trash. I am saddened and disgusted a lot by all the pieces of trash lying along curbs and roadsides, and in parking lots. Sounds like having your husband there to help with your photography makes a real enjoyable team. I like balancing aloneness and teamwork in my life too. Good blog.


    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I think each us us should leave the world a little better than we found it. We each have our own way of doing that, the important thing is that we do it.


  4. I enjoy my alone time, but I really enjoy the teamwork that goes into this blog. That’s what this blog is all about. I love that no matter if we need prayer or a friend, someone is always there for us. I have came to this group during the deepest pain in my life and you all have been here for me, and I’ve came sharing the most joyful time in my life and again you have been here with me. I love that no matter what I write it is important to the rest of you. Thanks for being on this team with me and sharing everything. SJ, your photos are lovely and I wish Team Sisters all the luck in the world. Cher’ley


  5. Two hundred new trees is a happy thought. I live in the middle of a 100-mile stretch of land that’s quickly turning, or has turned, from pasture into concrete and pavement. Inevitable, I guess, but sad. I used to be able to go so far into a pasture of mesquites that I couldn’t find my way out; that was Team Family, I guess. Now I have writing groups. It’s good to be with people who share your interests, as you demonstrate. The book sounds exciting. I look forward to seeing it.


    1. Yes a lot of our world is turning into concrete, but I am doing what I can to preserve some of it. The book is now in the hands of agents, publishers and the launch team so things are moving forward.


  6. Congrats on the book and I wish you much success with it. The team that comes to my mind that I’m so grateful for is my writer group. Without them, I wouldn’t have the small publishing success that I’ve had. There is something to be said for teamwork which even this lone wolf grudgingly admits.


  7. Writers Groups can be essential for many of us. Most offer encouragement, constructive remarks and direction. They are invaluable.


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