Cross Country Living BY Cher’ley

This Blog  by Cher’ley Grogg I have lived in many areas of the country, and have liked something about each of them. Plus as a retired semi-driver or is that a semi-retired driver, (smile) I have been to many places. There’s a song, I’ve Been Everywhere You can just barely keep from singing this right? IContinue reading “Cross Country Living BY Cher’ley”


This post is by Joe Stephens One of the joys of getting a little older is that feel more comfortable in my skin. Things that used to bother me just don’t seem all that important anymore. I’m finally feeling self-actualized, at least some of the time. I wrote a post yesterday for my personal blog about myContinue reading “Trade-offs”

Glancing Back, Looking Ahead

This post by Gayle M. Irwin This weekend is my 35th high school reunion. Actually, I have two reunions: one in Iowa and one in Wyoming. My parents and I left a 14-acre farm near a small Iowa town the summer of my senior year. We moved from the Mediapolis area, in the southeastern partContinue reading “Glancing Back, Looking Ahead”

No dogs allowed!

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction We have a new addition to our family. Her name is Patty and our lives have changed. We have awesome friends in our little area on the lake in the campground where we have our permanent site. We spend a lot of time with our next-door neighborsContinue reading “No dogs allowed!”


Standing in a long checkout line at the grocery store, I snatch up one of the tabloids to read while waiting my turn to unload the cart. Most of the so-called celebrities inside the “rags” I don’t recognize. Celebrities I do recognize look strangely familiar, almost creepy with their pumped up lips, stretched cat-like eyesContinue reading “CLASSIC BOOKS – CLASSY CELEBRITIES By Sherry Hartzler”