A New Me

Recently while my homemaker from the local senior center was cleaning, she found plaster falling from the ceiling near my kitchen door. Apparently, it had gotten wet. This could only mean one thing. My roof was leaking again. Why didn’t I see this? Well, with my limited vision, I don’t see things unless they’re closeContinue reading “A New Me”

23 and Me-Genealogy and Memoirs by Cher’ley

This post by Cher’ley Grogg An 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decided to go to their doctor, to get checked out to make sure nothing was wrong with them. When they arrived at the doctors, they explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checkingContinue reading “23 and Me-Genealogy and Memoirs by Cher’ley”

Aging and Learning: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

This post by Gayle M. Irwin   He sleeps on the multitude of dog blankets which we’ve bought for him and spread throughout the house. He stands and his back legs wobble, oftentimes collapse, and he falls and struggles to regain his footing. In dim light, he walks into corners and simply stands and stares,Continue reading “Aging and Learning: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks”

Fear of Falling, Part 2

This post written by L.Leander, Writer of Fearless Fiction You may wish to read Fear of Falling Part 1 before you read this because it is a continuation of that post. We had planned a trip with friends to a town south of Guadalajara, MX and had already paid for bus tickets, etc. There wasContinue reading “Fear of Falling, Part 2”

Fear of Falling

This post written by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction Have you ever taken a fall that changed your life? I have. During my childhood, of course, I fell off my bicycle (yes, I was riding a girl’s bike, and yes, I fell on my private parts), off the monkey bars on the school playground (thatContinue reading “Fear of Falling”

Glancing Back, Looking Ahead

This post by Gayle M. Irwin This weekend is my 35th high school reunion. Actually, I have two reunions: one in Iowa and one in Wyoming. My parents and I left a 14-acre farm near a small Iowa town the summer of my senior year. We moved from the Mediapolis area, in the southeastern partContinue reading “Glancing Back, Looking Ahead”

No dogs allowed!

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction We have a new addition to our family. Her name is Patty and our lives have changed. We have awesome friends in our little area on the lake in the campground where we have our permanent site. We spend a lot of time with our next-door neighborsContinue reading “No dogs allowed!”