Fear of Falling

This post written by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction Have you ever taken a fall that changed your life? I have. During my childhood, of course, I fell off my bicycle (yes, I was riding a girl’s bike, and yes, I fell on my private parts), off the monkey bars on the school playground (thatContinue reading “Fear of Falling”

Where’s My Stuff?

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction I don’t like it when someone moves my stuff.  I didn’t realize it until recently, although I’m sure I’ve made it known a few times.  My husband, on the other hand,  is very vocal about his stuff being moved.  He wants everything right where he put it,Continue reading “Where’s My Stuff?”

Are You Always In a Hurry? by L.Leander

This Post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction I am always in a hurry.  There’s no explanation for it.  It’s part of my make up.  Ever since I was a child I had responsibilities heaped on my head and I’ve learned to multitask.  As a working mom I often juggled a baby on one hipContinue reading “Are You Always In a Hurry? by L.Leander”