Pings and Tangents

Post (c) Doris McCraw Have you ever had those moments where something you hear hits you in the proverbial solar plexus? Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and other times, it’s like you are looking for it. Once you hear those words, I call them pings, you can’t forget how they made you feel. Then,Continue reading “Pings and Tangents”

A Little Bit of Why

Post copyright by Doris McCraw We all seem to have the Big Why in our lives. Why did I do this, or that. We tend to beat ourselves up over some mistake. Let’s take a look at the Little Why. Why do I continue to comment on other people’s blog post even when they doContinue reading “A Little Bit of Why”

3,2,1 CONTACT!

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction This week I did something I thought I’d never do again. I had an eye exam and was fitted for contact lenses. I’ve tried them in the past with good luck, but just never followed through. I cannot seem to keep my glasses where I can findContinue reading “3,2,1 CONTACT!”

Fork in The Road

By L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction I received the letter “F” for the A-Z Blog challenge.  Since my maiden name is Flory I thought about writing about that, but the Forked Road seemed better-suited to this blog.  I hope you enjoy it. We have all been down the forked road, but why do some takeContinue reading “Fork in The Road”

Those are NOT my monkeys!

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction Those are NOT my monkeys! Ever get into one of these predicaments? How do you handle it? The school calls. The person calling apologizes, but the parent who was supposed to make 100 cupcakes for tomorrow is ill. Could you please take her place? What do youContinue reading “Those are NOT my monkeys!”

How Do You Deal With Stress?

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction A couple of weeks ago I read an article on Yahoo! News that gave me pause for thought.  Dan Harris, an ABC News Anchor, shared a part of his life seen by millions around the world.  During a live broadcast, Harris had a debilitating panic attack.  Unable toContinue reading “How Do You Deal With Stress?”

What’s Next?

This post by Gayle M. Irwin The blue-gray and black Great Dane stretched his large head and giant body from the back seat of my car, as he looked through the rear window of my Subaru Outback. I had just driven away from the home he’d known for the past week, being fostered for anContinue reading “What’s Next?”

New Year Brings New Goals and an Uncertain But Hopeful Future

This post by Gayle M. Irwin   Looking back on my goals for 2014 recently I realized I didn’t attain as much as I’d hoped. Yet, despite what I thought and planned to attain, new opportunities and possibilities did emerge, and I walked those pathways. Another new year is upon us, and though we neverContinue reading “New Year Brings New Goals and an Uncertain But Hopeful Future”

Fear of Falling, Part 2

This post written by L.Leander, Writer of Fearless Fiction You may wish to read Fear of Falling Part 1 before you read this because it is a continuation of that post. We had planned a trip with friends to a town south of Guadalajara, MX and had already paid for bus tickets, etc. There wasContinue reading “Fear of Falling, Part 2”