In The Middle

This post by Jennifer Flaten After standing in three seemingly endless lines; one to pay for school, one to pick up a combination lock and one for pictures, my girls were officially 8th graders. Once pictures were taken,-I’m amazed that even with today’s technology, school pictures are still as bad as they were when IContinue reading “In The Middle”

Life with Tractors

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction The year I turned thirteen we moved to a farm. Granted, it was only a hobby farm, but it was forty acres with a stream that meandered through graceful hardwoods where wildflowers bloomed in the spring and the autumn leaves were breathtaking in the fall. The propertyContinue reading “Life with Tractors”

Do You Know Your Heritage?

This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction Sherry Hartzler did a wonderful post yesterday on listening to your ancestors talk about their lives. She said that hearing the words rather than reading them after people are dead and gone gives you a different perspective on family and heritage. I agree and would like toContinue reading “Do You Know Your Heritage?”