Remembering past Thanksgivings

As a guy gets older, he finds himself thinking about Thanksgiving from days past. In my case, Thanksgiving when I was a kid in public school in California and Ohio. It’s memories of getting together with grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. It’s sitting at a big table, the giant turkey the centerpiece, its heavenlyContinue reading “Remembering past Thanksgivings”

A Thanksgiving Song

I’m Abbie Johnson Taylor, and I wrote this post.   Here’s a little ditty I wrote and posted in 2015 that I’m re-blogging. Years ago when my grandmother was alive, I enjoyed walking to her house, even as an adult. Now, our town boasts a series of connected cement walkways that would have provided aContinue reading “A Thanksgiving Song”


This post by Gayle M. Irwin On Saturday, I participated in the annual Community Appreciation event hosted by the Casper Humane Society (CHS). I joined about 20 other vendors in the CHS’s parking lot as we attempted to sell our wares. Jewelry, candles, clothing, household do-dads, gardening gadgets, and my books of course! graced theContinue reading “Appreciation”

Gratitude and Much-Needed Rest

This post by Gayle M. Irwin Thanksgiving is behind us here in the United States, but reflectively I wanted to pen a few thoughts on what I’m thankful for this year — there is indeed much in my life for which to be grateful: Writing articles honoring Vietnam veterans – I’ve interviewed and written aboutContinue reading “Gratitude and Much-Needed Rest”

Over the Bridge and Along the Creek by Abbie Johnson Taylor

Author Abbie Johnson Taylor Believe it or not, Thanksgiving is around the corner so I thought I’d share a little ditty I wrote recently. Years ago when my grandmother was alive, I enjoyed walking to her house, even as an adult. Now, our town boasts a series of connected cement walkways that would have providedContinue reading “Over the Bridge and Along the Creek by Abbie Johnson Taylor”

Autumn is the Best!

This post is by Joe Stephens I wrote a few months back about how summer is the weekend of the year, which might lead readers to think that it’s my favorite time of year. It really isn’t. There are things I love about every season (though, as I age, that’s less and less true of winter),Continue reading “Autumn is the Best!”

Giving Thanks for Turkeys–and Other Things

This post by Stephanie Stamm. What do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving? Family, friends, food, the history of the holiday? I’d guess that two of the first things that come to mind for most of us are the purpose of the holiday—that is, giving thanks— and the center of the traditional ThanksgivingContinue reading “Giving Thanks for Turkeys–and Other Things”

Holiday Hardship by Abbie

  This post by Abbie Johnson Taylor Thanksgiving is almost here. In past years, I’ve lost my mother, two grandmothers, my husband, and my father. Although I try to keep a joyful attitude during this time, the following poem from That’s Life illustrates how difficult the holidays can be for those who have lost lovedContinue reading “Holiday Hardship by Abbie”

A Bounty of Blessings

This post by Gayle M. Irwin It’s the month we celebrate several things including veterans, pets, America. Thanksgiving is around the corner and in the United States this is a holiday which means more (or should) than planning the trek to stores that are open for “Black Friday”/Thanksgiving Thursday. Anticipating spending this Thanksgiving in MontanaContinue reading “A Bounty of Blessings”