The Wild Hunt and Samhain #folklore

It’s that time of year where everything is eerie and the ghoulies and ghosties come out to play. Okay, not in my side of the world where things are warming up and the sun sticks around longer than the night. But in the northern hemisphere… Ah, now there things are getting dark and dire asContinue reading “The Wild Hunt and Samhain #folklore”

Search and Rescue K9 Units

By N. M. Cedeño     A representative of the Travis County Texas Search and Rescue K9 unit was kind enough to come and speak to Sisters in Crime, Heart of Texas Chapter this summer. She provided a wealth of information for crime writers on the workings of Search and Rescue K9 Units. Most SearchContinue reading “Search and Rescue K9 Units”

A Thanksgiving Song

I’m Abbie Johnson Taylor, and I wrote this post.   Here’s a little ditty I wrote and posted in 2015 that I’m re-blogging. Years ago when my grandmother was alive, I enjoyed walking to her house, even as an adult. Now, our town boasts a series of connected cement walkways that would have provided aContinue reading “A Thanksgiving Song”

Adoption Time, Part 2: His Name Is…

This post by Gayle M. Irwin His name is Jeremiah, and no, he’s not a bullfrog! Back in the early 1970s, a song by Three Dog Night rose up the charts and remained at #1 for several weeks. “Joy to the World” starts off “Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine….” SeeContinue reading “Adoption Time, Part 2: His Name Is…”


  Since all three people in my writers group attended the Left Coast Crime Conference in Hawaii this past March, I asked this question during one of our meetings: What did you get out of the conference? (In a recent blog, here’s what Sarah M. Chen said.) I mentioned in an earlier post that IContinue reading “WHAT DID I BRING HOME?”

Novel Writing, Book Marketing, Event Planning… Oh My!

This post by Gayle M. Irwin November began with a BANG, and I was JAZZED! I had completed my magazine writing assignments for the year (or nearly so), book events were falling into place, and I had new marketing strategies to employ. Last Friday I secured radio and TV interviews for upcoming events and sentContinue reading “Novel Writing, Book Marketing, Event Planning… Oh My!”

Florida Loons by Abbie Johnson Taylor

Author Abbie Johnson Taylor In my last third Thursday poets group meeting, we were prompted to write some loons. A loon is similar to haiku, written in one of two ways: syllables with the first line having five, the second three, and the third five, or words with the first line having three, the secondContinue reading “Florida Loons by Abbie Johnson Taylor”

It’s a Spring Thing!

This post by Gayle M. Irwin According to the calendar, spring starts today. Where I live (central Wyoming) spring seemed to start at the end of February. We experienced record-breaking (or close to it) temperatures, and lack of snow. That changed for many parts of the state this past week as a significant system rolledContinue reading “It’s a Spring Thing!”

Baby It’s Cold Outside

This post by Jennifer Flaten Today after dropping the kids off at school, I decided that since I was already all bundled up for the cold I should fill the bird feeders. I figured I would take Ginger along. I mean she’s a dog, why wouldn’t she like the opportunity to snuffle around the yard.Continue reading “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

A Tribute to Pets

This post by Gayle M. Irwin “The road to my heart is paved in pawprints.” Such a sign hangs on our livingroom wall. No truer words were ever written or spoken when it comes to this lady. Since I was a child, animals have captured my heart, from dogs and cats to zebras and koalas.Continue reading “A Tribute to Pets”